7月5日、国際協力機構(JICA)ザンビア事務所の方々が我々の活動の視察にNational Heart Hospital(NHH)にお見えになりました。
All Japanで支援の輪が広がることを期待します!

[Heart Surgery Technology Transfer to Zambia: JICA officials visited the National Heart Hospital!]
On July 5th, people from the Zambia Office of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) visited us to know our activities at the National Heart Hospital (NHH). They were Ms. Ashida and Mr. Malama, in charge of the health sector, and Mr. Hotta and Mr. Brennan, in charge of the volunteer sector. We explained about TICO’s activities and talked about the human resources and equipment required at the hospital.
We hope that the circle of support will expand in All Japan!