
第2例目の患者さんの手術が無事に終了、順調に回復!(English follows Japanese)




ジワ医師は、2017年の第1回目のTICOの活動から手術に参加し、2018年には日本で1ヶ月間の心臓外科手術に触れ、その後、イスラエルのNGO団体”Save a Child’s Heart(SACH)”が主催するイスラエルのエディス・ウォルフソン医療センターで4年半にわたり小児心臓外科医としての研修を受けました。彼は今回ザンビアに帰国し、研修終了後、ザンビアで初めての手術を行いました。カングワ医師も同様にイスラエルでトレーニングを受け、2週間前にイスラエルから帰国し、受けたトレーニングの成果を早速発揮しました。




[Cardiac Surgery Technology Transfer to Zambia: Second Patient Successfully Completes Surgery and Recovers Well!]

On June 28th, the second case of pediatric surgery was performed.

The patient is a 12-year-old who was born with a hole in the heart – a condition called atrial septal defect. The surgery was performed to close the defect. The patient had long suffered from heart failure symptoms of palpitations and shortness of breath, as well as a variety of symptoms due to her primary disease.

The primary surgeon for the day was Dr. Mudaniso Ziwa and his assistant was Dr. Geoffrey Changwe. The Anaesthetic team was led by Dr. Michael Kangwa. Dr. Ziwa participated in the surgery from the first TICO activity in 2017, underwent a month of exposure to cardiac surgery in Japan in 2018, followed by four and a half years of training as a pediatric cardiac surgeon at the Edith Wolfson Medical Centre in Israel sponsored by “Save a Child’s Heart (SACH)”, an NGO in Israel. He returned to Zambia this time and performed his first surgery in Zambia after completing his training. Dr. Kangwa was equally trained in Israel and returned home from Israel 2 weeks ago and is immediately making an impact from the training he received.

The surgery went smoothly, and after 5 hours, the patient was transferred to the ICU for postoperative care.

The child is recovering well and has been moved to the general ward to spend time with her mother. The parents stated that they are glad that she is doing well.

(Above photo: From right, Dr. Ziwa, The patient, Dr. Kangwa and Dr. Changwe,

Below photo: From right, Dr. Ziwa, Dr. Changw and Dr. Kitaichi)

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